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#     par(family="Japan1",mfrow=c(1,1))
#     plot(x, y = NULL, type = "p",  xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL,
#          log = "", main = NULL, sub = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
#          ann = par("ann"), axes = TRUE, frame.plot = axes,
#          panel.first = NULL, panel.last = NULL,
#          col = par("col"), bg = NA, pch = par("pch"),
#          cex = 1, lty = par("lty"), lab = par("lab"),
#          lwd = par("lwd"), asp = NA, ...)

関数の描画 plot

定義域と関数値をそれぞれベクトル x, y で与え, y=f(x)のグラフを作成する.

x <- seq(-pi, 2*pi, length.out=51)                   # 定義域をベクトルで設定
##  num [1:51] -3.14 -2.95 -2.76 -2.58 -2.39 ...
y <- sin(x)
##  num [1:51] -1.22e-16 -1.87e-01 -3.68e-01 -5.36e-01 -6.85e-01 ...
plot(x, y, type="l", family="Japan1", xlab="x [ラジアン]", ylab="正弦(sin)関数",
     main="fig-1a : 関数プロット1")   # 定義域(ベクトル)x, 関数値ベクトルyを指定する場合


plot(sin, -pi, 2*pi, family="Japan1", main="fig-1b : 関数プロット2")   # 関数名, 定義域の下限, 上限 で指定する場合 

plot, curve による作図

###### example of curve ##############################################
  op <- par(mfrow=c(1,2))
  curve(x^3 - 3 * x, -2, 2, family="Japan1", main="3次,2次式")     # 3次式
  curve(x^2 - 2, add = TRUE, col = "violet")    # 2次式の追加
  plot(cos, xlim = c(-pi, 3 * pi), n = 101, 
       col = "blue", family="Japan1", main="余弦曲線")             # コサイン曲線(右図)

  chippy <- function(x) sin(cos(x) * exp(-x/2)) #関数chippyの定義
  curve(chippy, -8,  7, n=101, main="chippy on [-8,7]")
  curve(chippy, -8, -5, n=101, main="chippy on [-8,-5]")


   op <- par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
   for (ll in c("", "x", "y", "xy")) {
     curve(log(1 + x), 1, 100, log = ll, 
           sub = paste("log= '", ll, "'", sep = ""), 
           family="Japan1", main="対数軸の有無")
     } # end of for-ll

matplot, matpoints, matlines による作図

#     matplot(x, y, type = "p", lty = 1:5, lwd = 1, pch = NULL,  
#             col = 1:6, cex = NULL,  
#             xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL,  
#             ..., add = FALSE, verbose = getOption("verbose"))
#     matpoints(x, y, type = "p", lty = 1:5, lwd = 1, pch = NULL,
#               col = 1:6, ...)
#     matlines (x, y, type = "l", lty = 1:5, lwd = 1, pch = NULL,
#               col = 1:6, ...)
###### example of matplot ##############################################
  matplot(-4:4, (-4:4)^2, main = "Fig.21 : Quadratic")

  sines <- outer(0:20, 1:4, function(x, k) sin(x/20 * pi * k))
##               [,1]          [,2]          [,3]          [,4]
##  [1,] 0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00
##  [2,] 1.564345e-01  3.090170e-01  4.539905e-01  5.877853e-01
##  [3,] 3.090170e-01  5.877853e-01  8.090170e-01  9.510565e-01
##  [4,] 4.539905e-01  8.090170e-01  9.876883e-01  9.510565e-01
##  [5,] 5.877853e-01  9.510565e-01  9.510565e-01  5.877853e-01
##  [6,] 7.071068e-01  1.000000e+00  7.071068e-01  1.224647e-16
##  [7,] 8.090170e-01  9.510565e-01  3.090170e-01 -5.877853e-01
##  [8,] 8.910065e-01  8.090170e-01 -1.564345e-01 -9.510565e-01
##  [9,] 9.510565e-01  5.877853e-01 -5.877853e-01 -9.510565e-01
## [10,] 9.876883e-01  3.090170e-01 -8.910065e-01 -5.877853e-01
## [11,] 1.000000e+00  1.224647e-16 -1.000000e+00 -2.449294e-16
## [12,] 9.876883e-01 -3.090170e-01 -8.910065e-01  5.877853e-01
## [13,] 9.510565e-01 -5.877853e-01 -5.877853e-01  9.510565e-01
## [14,] 8.910065e-01 -8.090170e-01 -1.564345e-01  9.510565e-01
## [15,] 8.090170e-01 -9.510565e-01  3.090170e-01  5.877853e-01
## [16,] 7.071068e-01 -1.000000e+00  7.071068e-01  3.673940e-16
## [17,] 5.877853e-01 -9.510565e-01  9.510565e-01 -5.877853e-01
## [18,] 4.539905e-01 -8.090170e-01  9.876883e-01 -9.510565e-01
## [19,] 3.090170e-01 -5.877853e-01  8.090170e-01 -9.510565e-01
## [20,] 1.564345e-01 -3.090170e-01  4.539905e-01 -5.877853e-01
## [21,] 1.224647e-16 -2.449294e-16  3.673940e-16 -4.898587e-16
##  num [1:21, 1:4] 0 0.156 0.309 0.454 0.588 ...
  matplot(sines, pch = 1:4, type = "o", col = rainbow(ncol(sines)),
          main = "Fig.22 : sines")

   x <- 0:50/50
   matplot(x, outer(x, 1:8, function(x, k) sin(k * pi * x)), 
           ylim = c(-1.5, 1.5), type = "plobcsSh", 
           main = "Fig.23 : matplot(,type = \"plobcsSh\" )")

   matplot(x, outer(x, 1:4, function(x, k) sin(k * pi * x)), 
           pch = letters[1:4], type = c("b", "p", "o"),
           main = "Fig.24 : matplot(,type = c(\"b\", \"p\", \"o\")")

##     setosa versicolor  virginica 
##         50         50         50
  iS <- iris$Species == "setosa"
  iV <- iris$Species == "versicolor"
  op <- par(cex.main=1.5)
  matplot(c(1, 8), c(0, 4.5), type = "n", xlab = "Length", ylab = "Width", 
           main = "Fig.25 : Petal and Sepal Dimensions in Iris Blossoms")
  matpoints(iris[iS, c(1, 3)], iris[iS, c(2, 4)], pch = "sS", col = c(2, 4))
  matpoints(iris[iV, c(1, 3)], iris[iV, c(2, 4)], pch = "vV", col = c(2, 4))
  legend(1, 4, c("Setosa Petals", "Setosa Sepals",    # 凡例
           "Versicolor Petals", "Versicolor Sepals"), pch = "sSvV",
           col = rep(c(2, 4), 2))

注: iris setosa(ヒオウギアヤメ), iris versicolor(青または青みがかったスミレ色の花を持つ、米国東部のよくあるアヤメ) , Petals(花びら), sepal(がく片),

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###### example of barplot ##############################################
   tN <- table(Ni <- rpois(100, lambda = 5))  # ポアソン乱数を生成
##  int [1:100] 3 9 1 7 5 2 6 3 3 5 ...
   cat("av =",mean(Ni),", var =",var(Ni),", sd =",sqrt(var(Ni)),"\n")
## av = 5.18 , var = 4.896566 , sd = 2.212818
##  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 
##  3  8 15 15 17 12 12 12  4  1  1
   (hist(Ni))   # ヒストグラムの表示

## $breaks
##  [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11
## $counts
##  [1] 11 15 15 17 12 12 12  4  1  1
## $density
##  [1] 0.11 0.15 0.15 0.17 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.04 0.01 0.01
## $mids
##  [1]  1.5  2.5  3.5  4.5  5.5  6.5  7.5  8.5  9.5 10.5
## $xname
## [1] "Ni"
## $equidist
## [1] TRUE
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "histogram"
   r <- barplot(tN, col = "gray", main="Fig.51 : barplot")  # バープロット
   lines(r, tN, type = "h", col = "red", lwd = 2) # 赤線の追加

###### example of hist ##############################################
   str(islands)  # オブジェクト islands の属性等の表示
##  Named num [1:48] 11506 5500 16988 2968 16 ...
##  - attr(*, "names")= chr [1:48] "Africa" "Antarctica" "Asia" "Australia" ...
   islands       # オブジェクト islands の表示
##           Africa       Antarctica             Asia        Australia 
##            11506             5500            16988             2968 
##     Axel Heiberg           Baffin            Banks           Borneo 
##               16              184               23              280 
##          Britain          Celebes            Celon             Cuba 
##               84               73               25               43 
##            Devon        Ellesmere           Europe        Greenland 
##               21               82             3745              840 
##           Hainan       Hispaniola         Hokkaido           Honshu 
##               13               30               30               89 
##          Iceland          Ireland             Java           Kyushu 
##               40               33               49               14 
##            Luzon       Madagascar         Melville         Mindanao 
##               42              227               16               36 
##         Moluccas      New Britain       New Guinea  New Zealand (N) 
##               29               15              306               44 
##  New Zealand (S)     Newfoundland    North America    Novaya Zemlya 
##               58               43             9390               32 
##  Prince of Wales         Sakhalin    South America      Southampton 
##               13               29             6795               16 
##      Spitsbergen          Sumatra           Taiwan         Tasmania 
##               15              183               14               26 
## Tierra del Fuego            Timor        Vancouver         Victoria 
##               19               13               12               82
   op <- par(mfrow = c(1, 2), cex.main=1.5)
   (hist(islands))  # ヒストグラム(度数分布表)の表示と描画(左図)
## $breaks
##  [1]     0  2000  4000  6000  8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000
## $counts
## [1] 41  2  1  1  1  1  0  0  1
## $density
## [1] 4.270833e-04 2.083333e-05 1.041667e-05 1.041667e-05 1.041667e-05
## [6] 1.041667e-05 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 1.041667e-05
## $mids
## [1]  1000  3000  5000  7000  9000 11000 13000 15000 17000
## $xname
## [1] "islands"
## $equidist
## [1] TRUE
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "histogram"
   utils::str(hist(islands, col = "gray", labels = TRUE)) # 右図 

## List of 6
##  $ breaks  : num [1:10] 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000
##  $ counts  : int [1:9] 41 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 1
##  $ density : num [1:9] 4.27e-04 2.08e-05 1.04e-05 1.04e-05 1.04e-05 ...
##  $ mids    : num [1:9] 1000 3000 5000 7000 9000 11000 13000 15000 17000
##  $ xname   : chr "islands"
##  $ equidist: logi TRUE
##  - attr(*, "class")= chr "histogram"
   # データの平方根変換と階級数を指定したヒストグラム(左図)
   hist(sqrt(islands), br = 12, col = "lightblue", border = "pink")
   # データの平方根変換と階級境界値を指定したヒストグラム(右図)
   r <- hist(sqrt(islands), 
             br = c(4 * 0:5, 10 * 3:5, 70, 100, 140), col = "blue1")
   # 度数を追加表示
   text(r$mids, r$density, r$counts, adj = c(0.5, -0.5), col = "blue3")


##  num [1:5, 1:4] 11.7 18.1 26.9 41 66 8.7 11.7 20.3 30.9 54.3 ...
##  - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
##   ..$ : chr [1:5] "50-54" "55-59" "60-64" "65-69" ...
##   ..$ : chr [1:4] "Rural Male" "Rural Female" "Urban Male" "Urban Female"
##       Rural Male Rural Female Urban Male Urban Female
## 50-54       11.7          8.7       15.4          8.4
## 55-59       18.1         11.7       24.3         13.6
## 60-64       26.9         20.3       37.0         19.3
## 65-69       41.0         30.9       54.6         35.1
## 70-74       66.0         54.3       71.1         50.0
     barplot(VADeaths, plot = FALSE)
## [1] 0.7 1.9 3.1 4.3
     barplot(VADeaths, plot = FALSE, beside = TRUE)
##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
## [1,]  1.5  7.5 13.5 19.5
## [2,]  2.5  8.5 14.5 20.5
## [3,]  3.5  9.5 15.5 21.5
## [4,]  4.5 10.5 16.5 22.5
## [5,]  5.5 11.5 17.5 23.5
    mp <- barplot(VADeaths, main="Fig.53 : : Death Rates in Virginia (VADeaths)")
    tot <- colMeans(VADeaths)    # 列毎の平均
    text(mp, tot + 3, format(tot), xpd = TRUE, col = "blue")  # 列平均の追記

    barplot(VADeaths, beside = TRUE, 
            col = c("lightblue", "mistyrose", "lightcyan", "lavender",
            legend = rownames(VADeaths), ylim = c(0, 100))

    title(main = "Fig.54 : Death Rates in Virginia", font.main = 4)
    } # end of if

    hh <- t(VADeaths)[, 5:1]
    mybarcol <- "gray20"
    mp <- barplot(hh, beside = TRUE, 
                  col = c("lightblue", "mistyrose", "lightcyan","lavender"), 
                  legend = colnames(VADeaths),
                  ylim = c(0, 100), 
                  main = "Fig.55 : Death Rates in Virginia", font.main = 4,
                  sub = "Faked upper 2*sigma error bars")
    segments(mp, hh, mp, hh + 2 * sqrt(1000 * hh/100),
              col = mybarcol, lwd = 1.5)
    stopifnot(dim(mp) == dim(hh))
    mtext(side = 1, at = colMeans(mp), line = -2, 
          text = paste("Mean", formatC(colMeans(hh))), col = "red")

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    plot(dnorm,-4,4)              # N(0,1)のpdfを区間[-4,4]で描画する
    n <- 3
    xvals <- seq(-2,2,length=n)   # 領域をx軸方向にn個の多角形(台形)に等分割
    dvals <- dnorm(xvals)         # 対応するグラフの高さ(関数値)を求める
## [1] -2  0  2
## [1] 0.05399097 0.39894228 0.05399097
## [1] -2  0  2  2  0 -2
## [1] 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.05399097 0.39894228 0.05399097

    # xvals,rep(0,n) の組合せでx軸上の辺を結ぶ
    # rev(xvals),rev(dvals) の組合せでグラフに沿った辺を結ぶ

polygon と確率

f20 <- function(x){0*x}         # 関数f2を準備する
## [1] 0
# 描画関数 polyf を作成する
polyf <- function(xl, xr, f1, f2, x0, x1, n=50, col="gray", debug=FALSE, ...){
  if (debug) {
     txt <- paste(" ** polyf ** \n",
     "  区間 [xl, xr] 上に関数 f1(x), f2(x) を描画し, 区間 [x0, x1] 上で ",
     " f1(x), f2(x) で囲まれた領域を表示する\n", sep="")
     cat(txt) }
  plot(f1, xl, xr, ...)         # 関数f1(x) (関数名で指定)を区間[xl, xr]で描画する
  curve(f2, xl, xr, add=TRUE)   # 関数f2(x) (関数名で指定)を区間[xl, xr]で追加描画する
  xv <- seq(x0, x1, length=n)   # 区間[x0,x1]をn分割した点ベクトル
  yv1 <- f1(xv)                 # 分割点での関数f1の関数値ベクトル
  yv2 <- f2(xv)                 # 分割点での関数f2の関数値ベクトル
  xp <- c(xv, rev(xv))          # 一筆書きx0...x1...x0に対応するベクトル 
  yp <- c(yv1, rev(yv2))        # xpに対応する関数値ベクトル
  if (debug > 1) {
     cat("xp =",xp,"\n"); cat("yp ~",yp,"\n")
  polygon(xp,yp,col=col, ...)   # 関数polygon()を適用
  } # end of polyf

polyf(-4, 4, dnorm, f20, 2, 10, main="Normal Dist.", ylab="f(x)", debug=TRUE)
##  ** polyf ** 
##   区間 [xl, xr] 上に関数 f1(x), f2(x) を描画し, 区間 [x0, x1] 上で  f1(x), f2(x) で囲まれた領域を表示する

\[ 上側確率~~ Q(2) = P\{ X > 2\} = 0.0227501\]

polyf(-pi/2, 3/2*pi, sin, cos, 0, pi, ylab="f(x)")
polyf(-pi/2, 3/2*pi, sin, f20, 0, pi, ylab="f(x)", debug=T)
##  ** polyf ** 
##   区間 [xl, xr] 上に関数 f1(x), f2(x) を描画し, 区間 [x0, x1] 上で  f1(x), f2(x) で囲まれた領域を表示する

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関数 par() の設定例

     op <- par(mfrow = c(2, 2), # 2 x 2 pictures on one plot
               pty = "s")       # square plotting region,
                                # independent of device size
     ## At end of plotting, reset to previous settings:
     ## Alternatively,
     op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) # the whole list of settable par's.
     ## do lots of plotting and par(.) calls, then reset:
     ## Note this is not in general good practice
     par("ylog") # FALSE
## [1] FALSE
     plot(1 : 12, log = "y")

     par("ylog") # TRUE
## [1] TRUE
     plot(1:2, xaxs = "i") # 'inner axis' w/o extra space

     par(c("usr", "xaxp"))
## $usr
## [1] 1.00 2.00 0.96 2.04
## $xaxp
## [1] 1 2 5
     ( <-
     c(prof.pilots = 16, lawyers = 11, farmers = 10, salesmen = 9, physicians = 9,
       mechanics = 6, policemen = 6, managers = 6, engineers = 5, teachers = 4,
       housewives = 3, students = 3, armed.forces = 1))
##  prof.pilots      lawyers      farmers     salesmen   physicians    mechanics 
##           16           11           10            9            9            6 
##    policemen     managers    engineers     teachers   housewives     students 
##            6            6            5            4            3            3 
## armed.forces 
##            1
     par(las = 3)
     barplot(rbind( # R 0.63.2: shows alignment problem

     par(las = 0)  # reset to default
     require(grDevices) # for gray
     ## 'fg' use:
     plot(1:12, type = "b", main = "'fg' : axes, ticks and box in gray",
          fg = gray(0.7), bty = "7" , sub = R.version.string)

     ex <- function() {
        old.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) # all par settings which
                                           # could be changed.
        ## ...
        ## ... do lots of par() settings and plots
        ## ...
        invisible() #-- now,  par(old.par)  will be executed
     ## Line types
     showLty <- function(ltys, xoff = 0, ...) {
        stopifnot((n <- length(ltys)) >= 1)
        op <- par(mar = rep(.5,4)); on.exit(par(op))
        plot(0:1, 0:1, type = "n", axes = FALSE, ann = FALSE)
        y <- (n:1)/(n+1)
        clty <- as.character(ltys)
        mytext <- function(x, y, txt)
           text(x, y, txt, adj = c(0, -.3), cex = 0.8, ...)
        abline(h = y, lty = ltys, ...); mytext(xoff, y, clty)
        y <- y - 1/(3*(n+1))
        abline(h = y, lty = ltys, lwd = 2, ...)
        mytext(1/8+xoff, y, paste(clty," lwd = 2"))
     showLty(c("solid", "dashed", "dotted", "dotdash", "longdash", "twodash"))
     par(new = TRUE)  # the same:
     showLty(c("solid", "44", "13", "1343", "73", "2262"), xoff = .2, col = 2)

     showLty(c("11", "22", "33", "44",   "12", "13", "14",   "21", "31"))

パッケージ lowess の作図

lowess                  package:stats                  R Documentation

Scatter Plot Smoothing


     This function performs the computations for the _LOWESS_ smoother
     which uses locally-weighted polynomial regression (see the


     lowess(x, y = NULL, f = 2/3, iter = 3, delta = 0.01 * diff(range(x)))

    x, y: vectors giving the coordinates of the points in the scatter
          plot.  Alternatively a single plotting structure can be
          specified - see ‘xy.coords’.

       f: the smoother span. This gives the proportion of points in the
          plot which influence the smooth at each value.  Larger values
          give more smoothness.

    iter: the number of ‘robustifying’ iterations which should be
          performed.  Using smaller values of ‘iter’ will make
          ‘lowess’ run faster.

   delta: See ‘Details’.  Defaults to 1/100th of the range of ‘x’.
## 'data.frame':    50 obs. of  2 variables:
##  $ speed: num  4 4 7 7 8 9 10 10 10 11 ...
##  $ dist : num  2 10 4 22 16 10 18 26 34 17 ...
## List of 2
##  $ x: num [1:50] 4 4 7 7 8 9 10 10 10 11 ...
##  $ y: num [1:50] 4.97 4.97 13.12 13.12 15.86 ...
    plot(cars, main = "lowess(cars)")
     lines(lowess(cars), col = 2)
     lines(lowess(cars, f = .2), col = 3)
     legend(5, 120, c(paste("f = ", c("2/3", ".2"))), lty = 1, col = 2:3)

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hp <- help(par)
op <- par()
## List of 72
##  $ xlog     : logi FALSE
##  $ ylog     : logi FALSE
##  $ adj      : num 0.5
##  $ ann      : logi TRUE
##  $ ask      : logi FALSE
##  $ bg       : chr "white"
##  $ bty      : chr "o"
##  $ cex      : num 1
##  $ cex.axis : num 1
##  $ cex.lab  : num 1
##  $ cex.main : num 1.2
##  $ cex.sub  : num 1
##  $ cin      : num [1:2] 0.15 0.2
##  $ col      : chr "black"
##  $ col.axis : chr "black"
##  $ col.lab  : chr "black"
##  $ col.main : chr "black"
##  $ col.sub  : chr "black"
##  $ cra      : num [1:2] 28.8 38.4
##  $ crt      : num 0
##  $ csi      : num 0.2
##  $ cxy      : num [1:2] 0.026 0.0633
##  $ din      : num [1:2] 7 5
##  $ err      : int 0
##  $ family   : chr ""
##  $ fg       : chr "black"
##  $ fig      : num [1:4] 0 1 0 1
##  $ fin      : num [1:2] 7 5
##  $ font     : int 1
##  $ font.axis: int 1
##  $ font.lab : int 1
##  $ font.main: int 2
##  $ font.sub : int 1
##  $ lab      : int [1:3] 5 5 7
##  $ las      : int 0
##  $ lend     : chr "round"
##  $ lheight  : num 1
##  $ ljoin    : chr "round"
##  $ lmitre   : num 10
##  $ lty      : chr "solid"
##  $ lwd      : num 1
##  $ mai      : num [1:4] 1.02 0.82 0.82 0.42
##  $ mar      : num [1:4] 5.1 4.1 4.1 2.1
##  $ mex      : num 1
##  $ mfcol    : int [1:2] 1 1
##  $ mfg      : int [1:4] 1 1 1 1
##  $ mfrow    : int [1:2] 1 1
##  $ mgp      : num [1:3] 3 1 0
##  $ mkh      : num 0.001
##  $ new      : logi FALSE
##  $ oma      : num [1:4] 0 0 0 0
##  $ omd      : num [1:4] 0 1 0 1
##  $ omi      : num [1:4] 0 0 0 0
##  $ page     : logi TRUE
##  $ pch      : int 1
##  $ pin      : num [1:2] 5.76 3.16
##  $ plt      : num [1:4] 0.117 0.94 0.204 0.836
##  $ ps       : int 12
##  $ pty      : chr "m"
##  $ smo      : num 1
##  $ srt      : num 0
##  $ tck      : num NA
##  $ tcl      : num -0.5
##  $ usr      : num [1:4] 0 1 0 1
##  $ xaxp     : num [1:3] 0 1 5
##  $ xaxs     : chr "r"
##  $ xaxt     : chr "s"
##  $ xpd      : logi FALSE
##  $ yaxp     : num [1:3] 0 1 5
##  $ yaxs     : chr "r"
##  $ yaxt     : chr "s"
##  $ ylbias   : num 0.2
## $serif
## [1] "Times-Roman"      "Times-Bold"       "Times-Italic"     "Times-BoldItalic"
## $sans
## [1] "Helvetica"             "Helvetica-Bold"        "Helvetica-Oblique"    
## [4] "Helvetica-BoldOblique"
## $mono
## [1] "Courier"             "Courier-Bold"        "Courier-Oblique"    
## [4] "Courier-BoldOblique"